Sunday, January 17, 2010

Whale Log for Jan 15, 2010

Sightings and behaviours. two pairs of mothers and young calves. one mom and calf let us hang out with them for about 25 minutes, just staying in one area at the surface as the baby rolled around showing its pectoral and tail fins. Perhaps baby was getting a good feeding of the nearly 100 gallons of milk per day it needs to gain strength and blubber for a long migration back to Alaska. Baby also spyhopped a few times, putting its eyes above water to check us out. We, the people, were being watched today. Also some noisy tail slapping or "lobtailing" was observed repeatedly for 10 to 12 slaps by one female, as the two mom and calves seemed to be on course towards each other. They never did meet, and each pair went its separate ways.

Also, a pod of spinner dolphins just waking up to head out for a night of hunting was out and about and one or two also checked us out.

To end the show, we saw two manta rays at the surface near the entrance to Keauhou Bay.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! This is Kim Gipson from almost 6 years ago. Love your blog! Brings back a lot of fun memories! :)
