Sunday, February 7, 2010

Whale Watch 1/31/2010

Well, today Captain Mar, Biologist Susan and the intrepid Adventurerers got plenty of practise at the little know technique we call "whale waiting". This would be the parts between whale "watching". It is an important strategy in sighting and resighting animals that spend most of their time under water. Tracking diving times and scanning the horizon we sighted several whales who appeared for a few breaths and mysteriously disappeared into the blue. Humpbacks are mysterious like that. After patience and searching, we were rewarded with...snacks and juice! Oh, and also we saw a breach and then watched a large whale do repeated pec (pectoral fin) slaps on the water. Loud enough to hear. Check out the pic with that big long (can be 15 ft) pec fin and tail sticking out of the water, as the whale rolled onto its side. Hence the scientific name Megaptera ("Big-winged) novaeangliae. Susan K

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