Thursday, December 23, 2010

Camera Phone

Believe it or not Captain Deron took this shot with his waterproof cellphone! nice.

Whale Shark!

Captain Deron saw a pod of Humpbacks about three miles offshore, after that encounter this guy showed up. We're gonna estimate about a 30ft Whaleshark! It hung out with the boats over an hour and wasn't shy, bumping the boats around with it's nose! Not a common site, some divers can go their whole life and not see one. This was a special day for all of us.

Mahalo to Francine for sending in these great pictures.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Another Kayak Issue!

So another kayaker was hurt down at the bay. She slipped on the rocks, hurt her wrist and apparently the couple couldn't paddle back? HFD sent the helicopter$$$$$$ down for the rescue. Seaquest ended up transporting her across the bay to the ambulance. DO NOT DRAG YOUR KAYAK OVER THE REEF. STAY OFF THE CORAL AND ROCKS!


If you are lucky enough to have Sunny as your crew, you may get to hear him chant. This is a traditional Hawaiian chant asking permission for us to enjoy the water and have a safe day on the ocean.