Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pilot Whales

We spotted a huge pod of Pilot Whales about 2 miles offshore of Ka'awaloa. They were logging on the surface, probably resting after feeding on squid last night. The pod was spread out as far as we could see. Here Brian is thinking about jumping in for a closer look. Oceanic Whitetip sharks often follow the pod looking for scraps and leftovers.

Some of the adults males made Capt'n Shawny and the 6 pax boat look kinda small. The bulls can weight up to three tons.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tourist Comment # 47

A lady was disappointed with her trip to the volcano park. "We went to the rainforest yesterday and all it did was rain!"

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bottlenose Dolphin

A pod of at least 10 Bottlenose Dolphin came by the boat today just outside of Ka'awaloa. It's rare to see more than two or three this close to shore. These two are checking out the humans. Dolphins have acute vision both in and out of water.

The State of Hawaii Intends To Ban Snorkeling and Diving From Kealakekua Bay

The state Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) recently announced a new plan called the Kealakekua Steward Area. Some highlights of the plan include:

-a $5 per person fee

-prohibiting tours on weekends and holidays, or roughly one third of the year.

-banning commercial ocean activities from Honaunau


While there are some good provisions in the plan such as the state taking a management position in the bay and the restoration of Ka'awaloa Village, the plan should better balance the needs of the West Hawaii community and include ocean recreation, education and appreciation.

You can view the entire plan at:

We implore you to email your thoughts and questions about this plan to:

before it's too late. You have until the end of April to make your option known. The DLNR intends to begin implementation of the plan in the summer of 2009! Mahalo for your kokua!

Hawaiian Monk Seal

While exploring the caves just north of Honaunau this Hawaiian Monk Seal swam right up to the side of the boat for a closer look! We could see a red tag on his tail so it's seen humans before. This is a very rare encounter!

No Vog Today

A few days of southerly wind cleared the Konaside of vog. From Pu'u Honua O Honaunau you can see the 8271 ft peak of Hualalai.

Hard At Work

Capt'n Dre and Capt'n Mar hard at work on "Seaquell" in the calm waters of Kealakekua Bay.