Monday, April 12, 2010

Breach in Kealakekua Bay!

This doesn't happen a lot, now we have it on film. Don sent in this shot of a whale breaching in K Bay on a March 1st trip. The Humpbacks are now on their back to Alaska, we had an awesome whale season. Thanks again to Don! Aloha.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Expedition Trip 3/26/2010

Busy day at Pu'u Honua O Honaunau with views of palm trees, clear waters and other Seaquest boats in the bay. The Expedition trip meandered south and checked out a Black sand beach at the base of a spectacular and fast (it traveled up to 6 miles an hour) lava flow that came down the pali (cliff) in 1950. This flow from Mauna Loa spewed more than 500,000,000 cubic yards of lava in a matter of weeks. That equals several years' production from currently erupting Kilauea. The flow doesn't stop at the edge of the water either. Areas like this are an amazing place to see life in action. A fresh lava flow means a brand new coral reef is forming and we get to see it as happens. Bit by bit. Year by year. Instant scientists, we are. Susan K [Pics from this trip at]

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Voggy Days

Last couple of months it's been howling up north, gusts up to 50 mph! The wind will blow the vog away, unfortunately it all blows down into south Kona. This video was taken at the Natural Energy Lab, see all the vog piled up on the south side of Hualalai volcano.

Squid Leftovers!

Captain Colin found this floating out in the deep offshore water. By the looks of the teeth marks a Pilot Whale chomped this squid in half and popped it's eyes right out! Calamari anyone?

Morning Prep

As soon as the snorkelers hit the water the crew goes to work prepping the snacks. Sweet Maui pineapple, red apples, cookies and chips - breakfast of champions.

Friendly Monk Seal

Our resident Monk Seal was back in the bay again. I think he just wants a friend to play with.

Expedition Trip 3/16/2010

Today we headed out to snorkel and on the way we had to stop as a small whale breached in front of and around the boat. Everyone was so quiet. This doesn't happen everyday! Well, maybe all were in awe and speechless. Also, it was Violet and Brian's Honeymoon, so perhaps the whales decided to celebrate with them. Congrats! More pics at

Expedition Trip 2/09/2010

Whales, water and lots of sea caves. Need we say more?

Whale Watch 2/09/2010

Well, whale season is past for another season as the wonderful Humpback whales, though we still have a rare sighting, have mostly moved on back to Alaska. It was a busy season with lots of interesting experiences. Now, we'll catch up with stories and pics on our blog and continue to have great times and more stories with Snorkeling adventures!

Whale watch 020910. This was a great day out on the water with an amazing ballet of two of the most synchronized whales we have seen. Check out this awesome tandem diving as the huge flukes lift up and out of the water. More pics at Aloha whales. Susan K.